
More Money Saving Tips For Shopping

10:00 AM

 Even though it doesn't feel like it here in the South, Fall is in full swing! Many of the stores and magazines have been rolling out their fall looks.We know that you're just itching to grab the latest styles, but read these tips first to get the most out of your money.

Save The Receipt

Here's another reason to keep your receipt. Many stores such as Express and Victoria's Secret have  asurvey at the end of their receipts, and completing them will give you discounts off your next purchase! The surveys are usually about ten questions long and ask you about your store experience. Once you're done, you'll receive a code you'll need to write at the bottom of your receipt. As of the publishing of this article, Express gives 15% off of your next purchase and Victoria's Secret offers $10 off of a $50 purchase. Many other stores have similar rewards.

Get With The Program
 If you love to shop, why not get rewarded for it? Many stores offer reward programs for their customers which offer them discounts on items and even freebies. JCPenney's reward program offers customers a $10 award for spending $100 in store/online within the month. Victoria's Secret's Pink Nation Program sends its members special discounts on bras, purchases, and even coupons for free underwear! The best part about these rewards is that you don't need a store credit card to be apart of them.

Coupons, Coupons, Coupons!
Before heading out, check the morning paper or the store's website to see what special deals they may be offering that day. If you're shopping online, head on over to Retailmenot.com for online codes from your favorite retailer.

Discount Shopper
Why pay full price at department stores when you can get the same style for less at a discount store? Stores such as TJMaxx and Marshall's offer designer goods at affordable prices, so be sure to stop by before making a purchase anywhere else. Other discount stores include Ross Dress for Less.

 Shop out of season
Since it's about to get colder soon, stores are putting on deep discounts on their leftover summer apparel. Why not take advantage of these deals now and save them until next season rolls around? Some of the items you'll find can be easily transitioned into this season  by layering or adding the right accessories.

Have Any Other Money Savings Tips You'd Like to Share? To Find More Great Shopping Tips, Check Out our Post Shopping Habits You Should Avoid

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  1. Some great money saving tips here - student or not. Thanks for sharing. Visiting via 'TrafficJamWeekend' linkup

  2. I am horrible at saving the receipt and doing the surveys or using the promo for another purchase. Thanks for sharing on Traffic Jam Weekend.


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