Keep Your Resolution in 4 steps

1:56 PM

This year is ending fast and the new year is coming. Of course, we know there are some of you out there who are already planning to make 2013 their best and made their resolution list. Even though I don't think a new year is the only time that you can truly commit to changing your life for the better, I do want everyone to be able to keep the goals they want to accomplish in 2013.

Have a reason
After you've made your resolutions, give all the reasons why you want need to get them accomplished. This will be your motivation. Every time that you feel like giving up, look back at the list to keep you fueled.

Be realistic 
Be honest with yourself. There is no way that you can shed 50 pounds by the end of January while still being healthy. For big goals, give yourself time to get them done, and don't feel down when things aren't happening as quickly as you want them to.

Map It Out
Since we're talking about time, start making a calendar setting dates to accomplish your goals. If you have a big goal, like making a movie for example, start planning when you want to get the smaller projects done before actually starting on the movie. Make a deadline of when the script should be done, make another deadline for casting, and so on and so forth. This type of planning helps you get big goals that seem impossible done little by little.Of course not everyone is making a movie, but setting mini deadlines will help you accomplish any big goal like losing weight, becoming debt free, or making a big move.

Make a board.

I'm not talking about Pinterest, although that could help as well, but get a physical board to help remind you of all your goals. Use clippings from magazines, or print outs with things related to your goal, and hang it in your room so you'll always remember it. Having a constant image of your goals will keep them fresh on your mind and help you constantly work towards them.

What are your New Year Resolutions?

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